That kind of punishing schedule was certainly character building but it also had the unfortunate side-effect of drying up my creative impulses, like a drought-blasted river bed. Thus the blog came to a grinding halt. The stories were there, just inside my head, but my fingers were not willing.
It is with profound relief that I can say I have survived 4 months, and look forward to an altered schedule from now on. After a dramatic new year's resolution, consisting of the two magic words "I quit", my employer renegotiated my contract to a more part-time arrangement, which, blessedly involves weekends off and less physical labour! Yes!
Today was the first day of my 'freedom schedule' and I have relished every moment.
Now, on the first day of my 29th year, I will attempt to fill you in on the last 4 months in the Cayman Islands.

I hope this new negociation keep you here for some more time!!!
Nice to see you back on these pages!...
It's been forever!
How are you?
When do you come to visit? I'll take you sailing overnight, just to watch you climbing up the stairs for your watch!!! Hihihi!
Miss you
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