I’m beginning to think that they are right.
I have been glowing like a ray of sunshine for days now; positively beaming at everyone and everything around me, and blessings are falling into my lap, fluttering into my life like moths to a flame.
As I compose this I am sitting at leisure in the first class gold card members’ lounge of British Airways at Seattle International airport. However this was by no means the first stroke of good fortune to hit me in the last 24 hours. My hotel last night moved me unexpectedly into a deluxe room with whirlpool spa, and Dominoes Pizza delivered a delicious Hawaiian thin crust straight to my room even though I was a few minutes late to order over the telephone. You can imagine I was feeling pretty smug as I lay back in the tub eating pizza, neck deep in swirling bubbles, watching Sex & The City on my widescreen TV.
The following morning I made an enquiry about late check out, and to my surprise they allowed me to keep the room another 3 hours, no extra charge. Cue more spa time!
Reception were kind enough to give me a free ride to the airport, and after a short queue a very pleasant British Airways check-in representative engaged me in friendly conversation, in which I wittily summarised my USA adventure and made a joke about inflatable neck pillows.
“OK Miss Evans. Here is your boarding pass.” He paused and looked around surreptitiously before continuing in a low whisper, “You’re in Club Class.” I leaned closer.
“I am?”
He winked. “You are now.”
I grinned in delight, and felt like jumping up and down on the spot, but somehow contained myself. “I see. Well, thank you very much!”
He smiled, “Enjoy your flight Miss Evans.”
I decided to push it further and go for the grand finish. I ascended the thickly-carpeted staircase to BA First and Club World lounge, specifically reserved for cardholders. At the reception I put on my best posh accent and feigned ignorance about the cardholder requirement, while showing my boarding pass. I gestured towards my laptop case and explained how much important work I had to do and how WIFI access was an absolute necessity. She stared at me a moment, and I could sense her mind ticking over.
“We wouldn’t normally allow admission to the lounge to non card-holders,” She looked around and lowered her voice, “but I think we can accommodate you on this occasion.”
I smiled and thanked her profusely before slipping into the cool air-conditioned interior.
If luck be a lady tonight her name is Lisa Evans.

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