Inspiration to write can be found at home, as I discovered last night. My home town cannot offer stunning sunsets on paradise beaches, nor can it offer life-threatening escapades at sea, but the smaller, less visible moments are a whole new source of inspiration. Examples of the human condition, with all of the highs and lows, normalities and curios, can be found around me at every moment of the day, if I choose to notice such things.
My new program of activities, vaguely entitled, 'Things To Do, Try, & Experience' includes an exploration into the more spiritual side of life. Not to say that I haven't always been fascinated by alternative spirituality and the occult, but, haven't we all wondered about it at some time or another? Haven't you ever been given, or purchased a crystal, having no idea what it is for, except for a vague notion that it must be good for something? Haven't you ever been tempted to have your fortune read, or visit a clairvoyent? Haven't you ever watched 'Most Haunted' on TV, and wondered if the whole thing is not just a load of bollocks?
Having pondered about all of the above, I decided to do some active research. I visited a local man who professes to have a gift for all things psychic, (including divination, clairvoyency and reiki), and I spent a full day learning all about tarot cards and how to give readings. In fact I am no stranger to tarot, which captured my imagination a decade ago during those slightly turbulent teenage years, however, I felt like I wanted some serious one-on-one tuition from an expert. I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of the cards, and even more relieved when he told me to throw away the instruction manual, having shown me how to access my own intuition instead of the rigid set meanings found within a book.
Having successfully broken in to the world of divination, my next stop was an evening class in psychic development. Naturally I was curious in what could possibly be offered on such a course, but found myself even more intrigued by what kind of people the class may attract. There were three other subscribers, all younger than me, including a pretty blonde single mother, a hairdresser who dressed like a punk and her softly-spoken boyfriend, who had long hair and wore a black leather biker jacket. We spent the evening practicing meditation, which is one of those things that I have been meaning to do for years. It is said that meditating for thirty minutes every day can add years on your life. So far so good.
Then half way through the session, the young blonde says that she feels a presence with her. She can't concentrate on the meditation because the right side of her body has gone cold, and she is certain that someone (or something) is trying to communicate with her. Our teacher is sitting next to her, and he closes his eyes for a moment before agreeing that, yes, his left side has gone cold, and that there is probably a spirit in the room. I suggest that maybe she's feeling a draft from the door, which is located behind her. No. I am told, the heating is on high so there are no draughts here other than the ones created by visiting spirits. Ok. Great.
We move chairs to try to pick up on the energies of another person in the room. I take the chair recently vacated by the punk girl's boyfriend, and close my eyes as directed. All I feel is a slightly increased breathing and heart rate, and a warmth high in my cheeks. The teacher asks me if I can pick up anything about this boy's day from his energies. I want to say, "Have you had sex today?" But I don't. It is only my first week. I have another nine weeks to cause offence.
The punk girl is sitting in the teacher's chair. She begins to breathe erratically, and asks if we can hear a buzzing noise? I can hear the electric lights vibrating a little, and I suggest that this may be the source of the sound. No, she says. The teacher confirms that a buzzing sound is normal when spirits are trying to communicate. At this point, the girls seem to get very excited, chattering rapidly about "Oh, I never realised I could be so psychic," or, "If we can make this happen now, just think what we can do later in the course!" I remain silent and raise my eyebrows at the biker boyfriend.
At that precise moment, the light upstairs goes off. The teacher smiles and explains that the spirit has done this to get our attention. I suggest that maybe the shop assistant has just turned the light off. However, I am informed that the assistant is in another part of the house and nowhere near the area. More excited chatter about spirits and the 'otherside'.
As we finish the session, and I am putting on my jacket, the assistant comes to let us out the front door.
"Sorry about the light up here." He says. "I blew a fuse in the kitchen and didn't know where the trip switch was."
What do I think?
I am unconvinced that anything significant happened in that room that night. However, I am convinced that there are a lot of gullible, vulnerable people out there who are searching for something to believe in in this crazy world. People try so hard to fit in, but they also desperately need to feel special, unique, more gifted or more talented than the norm. They seek attention. They want others to believe in them. Mystic Lisa says, believe in yourself first, and the rest will come.